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Inspired by the artistry of print books and powered by our Enhanced Typesetting engine, Kindle page layouts are designed to make reading enjoyable for everyone.

Read with continuous scrolling

Read with continuous scrolling

Scroll your book vertically—just like a webpage. With continuous scrolling it’s easy to explore your book while saving your place. Want to reference a map on another page, or a character from another chapter? We remember your current page when you use the vertical navigation bar to explore other parts of your book, so you can instantly jump back with one tap.

Continuous scrolling is available on Fire tablets and the free Kindle app for iOS and Android. You can scroll millions of titles, with more being added every day.

Adjustable font

Print-like layouts and high quality visuals

Kindle book pages are laid out for the easiest reading experience, and they dynamically adjust based on your screen size and the customized reading settings.

And, enjoy images and charts in even more detail with the ability to zoom in on high-quality visuals.


Customize your reading experience with themes

You can now save multiple reading settings on your Kindle device and quickly switch between them, selecting the font, boldness level, page margin, line spacing and orientation settings you prefer.

Adjustable font

Brightness controls and page colors

Customize your screen for your reading environment with a range of brightness and page color options (available on the free Kindle apps for Android and iOS).

And, on the Kindle Oasis, set the front light to automatically adjust brightness based on the ambient light.

Find all these options in the Display Settings (Aa) menu for any Kindle book with Enhanced Typesetting. To learn if a book supports Enhanced Typesetting, go to the Kindle eBook Store and look for "Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled" in the features list.


  • Adjust the font